28 April 2011

What Are Words Lyrics (Chris Medina)

korang pernah dengar tak lagu ni, sweet je lirik dia. suke sgt.

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight

And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

sedih kan lagu ni, dedicated to him and myself

27 April 2011

tanjung harapan


ok, td sy pergi klang. ambik buku rmh k.nor.kali ni sy xkeseorgn. sy dtmani haizum, thanks haizum, si cantik manis. hee >,< . then sblm blk ktorg singgah tanjung hrpn. sj mlpskn rndu kt cik abg sy. hr ni dh lebih 1 bln dia tgglkn sy. huu. cdey. smlm pn tiba2 je nangis lg. teringat la konon. (note:korg th x kapal kontena sbesar mana?? ~ sebesar 2 pdg bola sepak, pcya x?? um, sy pn xtau sbb ni cik abg yg kasitau, blm ada peluang utk naik lg~ kt bwh ni pic ktowg kt tjg harapan

teka, kpl mn kapal yg sy mksdkn kt aras td???

26 April 2011

tips interview

semalam 1st time iview keje, xtahula dpt x, doakan yep. iview tu applying position for radiation therapist. tempatnya di hospital melaka, rahsia hospital mn. p=.

ok, ni ada sedikit tips iview yg sy nk kongsi

>>before iview
1. research dulu tmpt iview tu - tgk culture dia, nature dia
2. know direction to go
3. bersedia dgn soalan-soalan yg mgkin dtanya dan sediakan jugak soklan-soklan y hendak dtnya
a. tell me abaout urself
b. apa pnglmn2 yg kamu ada
c. kenapa kamu pilih company ni
d. adakah awk sggp travel
e. how much is ur expected salary
f. why u an ideal person for tis job/ why we should hire u
g. what r u strengh/weakness
h. what r u long term goals (ex. 5 years later)
i. where will u stay if u get tis job
j. what are the benefits if i work here, is there any advanced training provided after i got tis work to develop my skills? - ni cth soklan yg boleh dtnya
4. pilih pakain yg sesuai - pompuan : bj kurung yg soft in color (make sure anda selesa & rs confident bila pakai bj tu), kasut gelap, stoking sama warna dgn kulit)

>>semasa temuramah
1. market kan skills dan pengalaman kita
2. if kena hadir dinner/lunch - beretika, pndai bw diri, berkingsi pndgn
3. senyum
4. sblm msk bilik greet iviewers dulu
5. firmness of handshake
6. jgn duduk jika xdjmput duduk
7. duduk dgn kaki rpt dan serongkn ckit bg perempuan
8. bdn hendaklah bongkok ke dpn sdikit utk menunjukkan yang kita sgt berminat

>>cr nk hilang rasa berdebar
1. betulkan niat - ex:nk dptkn kerja nk tlg mak and ayah
2. bykkn praktis kt cermin
3. tarik nafas dalam-dalam
4. lwn perasaan tu kuat-kuat - ckp ya, sy boleh!
5. bykkn bc surah Al-Insyirah dan surah Yasin ayat 9 terutama sblm memulakan percakapan/iview
6. senyum
7. yakin!- ya sbb dh buat persediaan
8. cool- anggap je mcm borak dgn kwn2
9. enjoy ms berbual
10. tgk iviewer dr kiri ke kanan

ok, tu je kot yea! huhu.if ad lg tlg tmbh yer, bleh kita bykkn tips.
p/s: tu pun sy stil nervous. but better. hrp ini dpt mbantu anda juge. al da best!

after finished iview tu, ktorg g la jln2. g dataran phlwan (tgk2 je la taming sari tower, kapal, bgnn merah tu)and odw blk ktorg g tanjung bidara. best sgt g pantai rasa release. ni pic2 kt pntai je, kt bdr melaka ktorg xambil pic sgt

24 April 2011


okeyh, esok nk g interview. cuaknye...doakan saya ye. smoga sgalanya berjalan lancar esok dan dipermudahkanNYA, AMIN.

05 April 2011

boley x nk theme wedding snow...?

bile angin sepoi2 bahasa, angin angan2 pn dtg, kuikui. tibe2 je dpt ilham nk tema kawen snow or winter. berangan sambil teringat cerita snow queen. tahu x kenapa, hee..sbb sung yuri la belakon dalam cerita tu. ni pic2 wedding yang aku angankan :

apa pendapat korang? ok x???

dah2, berangan jer keje aku. p buat thesis lak..